Last week, president and Chief Operating Officer of Nintendo of America, Reggie Fils-Aimé, appeared on Countdown to the Closing Bell with Liz Claman on Fox Business to show off the Nintendo Switch and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Aside from Liz getting a little too hands-on with the Switch display unit, there wasn’t much new to garner from this interview. Fils-Aimé answered to why Nintendo decided to release the Switch in March vs. the holiday season, why the launch lineup was so seemingly sparse, and, of course, showcased the Switch’s strongest launch title, Breath of the Wild, which Fils-Aimé mentions has gotten perfect review scores from 48 major outlets.
Awkward gameplay demo and Liz’s interjections aside, the only breakout news here is that, as of the Switch’s first five days after launch, it is beating the Wii in terms of sales numbers (which sold over 100,000,000 units in its lifetime)—which is hopefully a sign of things to come.
What do you think of Reggie’s comments? Do you think the Switch could outsell the Wii in lifetime sales? Feel free to leave a reply and let us know!
The full interview can be seen here: video.foxbusiness.com/v/5355360317001/?#sp=show-clips