Calling all Disgaea fans! Just in time for the series’ 15th anniversary, publisher NIS America has announced that Disgaea 1 Complete will be coming to Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 this fall. The title is an HD remake of the first game in the series, Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, originally released on PlayStation 2.
For those unfamiliar, Disgaea is a series of tactical RPGs set in a zany fantasy universe. Disgaea 1 Complete will include the full main story, as well Etna Mode, which contains extra characters not found in the original game.
This game is not the first Disgaea title to hit Nintendo Switch, as Disgaea 5 Complete launched on Switch back in 2017, and was, in fact, a console launch title in Japan.
Be sure to check out some screenshots of the game below, one of which includes a graphical comparison between the original title and the HD remaster.